Saturday, March 15, 2008

Whoa, 16 miles today

Ok, 16 miler today. Hmmm, what to say, it was a beautiful day on FT Bragg, nice, sunny, about 60 degrees or so (couldn't help but notice that it was 32 degrees in Bellevue this morning). It was a pretty standard run, 8 miles around the Pope Airfield and 8 miles on FT Bragg. Not much to say about the run really outside of it was a PRETTY SWEET PACE, 7:20 a mile, and I did that without my trusty ForeRunner 205. For some reason, I left that at home. I was a little concerned about that because I normally use that to set my pace, so I felt a little naked without it. To top that off, nobody from the Manna Multi-Sport group or the USASOC Boston Marathon group wanted to go 16, so I was pretty much on my own.

At the Boston Marathon two years ago I ran a 3:18, that averages out to about a 7:20 pace, so, during a training run two years later I was cruising along at a 7:20 pace with no real strain. Next week's long run is a 20 miler, John Y will be running with me, I am going to see if I can talk him into pacing me at about 7:10 or 7:15, if I can maintain that pace the magic of race day will take care of the rest. Next week will be the first week that I go over 50 miles in a long time, should be a hoot.

One of my loyal readers (thanks Julie) asked me what my favorite flavor of Gu is. For the record, Gu (the little packets of carbohydrate magic that you eat with a lot of water to replace the electrolytes you sweat out during a long run or race) is not one of the foods that I would turn to when I need a little flavor pick up. When I do go buy Gu, I normally look for whichever flavor has no caffeine and is not a strange combo or flavor. That all said, VANILLA Julie, vanilla. I will probably be carrying about 3 of them during the marathon (one every 8 miles) and will try to maintain solid Gu discipline: I failed to do that at the Army Ten Miler earlier this year, I was planning on having a Gu at mile 4, which I did, and another one at mile 7, which I did not. I was feeling a little cocky about mile 6.5 and decided to throw it away (who wants to carry 2.5 extra ounces?). Naturally, about mile 9 (after going over that last bridge) I was wishing I would have slugged that baby down.


Anonymous said...

We had snow yesterday...can you believe it? SNOW! I'm glad that it was warmer in NC for your run.

Last day of work was Friday. I'm now an official housewife for six weeks... Wish Wade well on that one.


Anonymous said...

We had snow yesterday...can you believe it? SNOW! I'm glad that it was warmer in NC for your run.

Last day of work was Friday. I'm now an official housewife for six weeks... Wish Wade well on that one.
