Thursday, February 14, 2008

Wednesday and Thursday

OK, I was travelling this week, which always throws me off my schedule, to top it off, we were delayed by the weather, so I was unable to run on wednesday morning. Instead I got a quick run in on Wednesday afternoon, after we got back. I was a little wound up from the trip, so it was a good run. I picked up the pace a lot, and went for about 5 1/4 miles. It actually felt good and settled me down for the rest of the day at work.

I did my first set of intervals this morning, 3 x 1 mile intervals. It was pretty cold, I actually had to wear a hat and gloves which I rarely do. The intervals went pretty good, the track at the Polo Field here on post is a kilometer track, so you can really get a good pace going and there weren't that many folks on the track to get in my way. I ended up with three pretty good miles: 6:17, 6:15 and 6:20. My schedule called for 3 at a 6:30 pace, so I was ahead of my schedule.

Tomorrow or saturday will be my long run, 20 miles . . . .hmmm. I will let you know how it goes.

1 comment:

John said...

Great times on those intervals. You were cooking. :-)